What are the library's policies on noise, food, and personal items?


University Libraries employees strive on behalf of all library users (faculty, staff, students, alumni and members of the public) to provide a welcoming and respectful atmosphere that is conducive to study and research and that is comfortable and safe for both library users and library staff. University Libraries is committed to protecting the rights of individual users and to preserving and protecting library materials, equipment, facilities and grounds. University Libraries abides by the Montclair State University Code of Student Conduct, Guidelines for Responsible Computing, other university policies, and applicable state and federal laws.

Library users who do not adhere to the following behavior guidelines may be asked to leave and may be subjected to the loss of library privileges, appropriate administrative action within the University, or prosecution under state law. Flagrant or repeat violators may be banned from all University locations. Instances of non-compliance will be documented and kept on file. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to the front desk located on the first floor of the Library.

Access to the Building

Library users may not access or remain in the library building outside of the library’s posted service hours with the exception of late night classes that are scheduled within the building. All other users will be asked to exit the building promptly at closing. Students attending late night classes in the Library may be escorted to the exit by their instructor at the end of the class. Also, users may not refuse to leave the Library during a fire alarm or a building evacuation.

Animals in the Library

Only service animals are allowed into the Library. No other animals are allowed except in accordance with the University Animals on Campus Policy. Service animals must be under the handler’s control at all times.

COVID-19 Policy

Library patrons must comply with University directives, protocols, and policies related to health and safety. In adherence with University health and safety protocols related to COVID-19, everyone is free to wear a mask at any time in the Library. Library patrons are also expected to be respectful of individual choices related to masking.

Food and Drink

Non-alcoholic drinks in durable containers (no-spill and capped containers are encouraged) and food are allowed in public areas and study rooms. When consuming food and drinks in the Library, please:

  • Consume food and drinks responsibly.
  • Leave your study area clean for the next person.
  • Report spills or get cleaning supplies from the Desk in the lobby.

If you are experiencing any issues regarding policy violations, please contact the front desk at 973-655-4288.

  • Last Updated Sep 10, 2024
  • Views 78
  • Answered By Kevin Handeli

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