Google Scholar - "Invalid Domain for site key" error.


During periods of high usage, Google Scholar may begin asking Montclair State University patrons to fill out a reCAPTCHA widget to prove they're not robots.  Unfortunately, there is a security bug in this widget that may result in "Invalid domain for site key" errors for patrons who are using the Library's off-campus proxy server.

Google Scholar - Error Invalid domain for site key

Workaround:  If you have a Google Account, link it to the Library:

  1. Go directly to the un-proxied version of Google Scholar at < >.

  2. Click the "Sign In" button and log in with your Google account.

  3. From the menu icon (three bars at top left), select "Settings", then "Library Links".

  4. In the Library Links section of the Settings menu, search for Montclair State University.  Select the checkbox next to "Montclair State University - Full text @ Montclair" then click the "Save" button in the lower right.

  5. Save and return to the Google Scholar homepage. You now should be able to search Google Scholar without using Montclair's off-campus proxy, but still see the "Full text @ Montclair" links that lead you to our full-text databases.

If the workaround above does not fix your Google Scholar access, please be patient, as Google usually resets the faulty reCAPTCHA requirement after about 24 hours.

Ask a Librarian:  Please contact the Reference Librarians here so we can suggest other Databases to search.


  • Last Updated Nov 22, 2023
  • Views 419
  • Answered By Bill Vincenti

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